Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sharing the Christmas Spirit (and more)!

At the Silva house we love to share our Christmas spirit! We share our cookies, breads, gifts and carols with those we love. Yes, we have shared with our neighbors, friends and family. We have been holding back a bit though. We did not share everything with them. So, if anyone out there would like pink eye, a nasty head cold, or a sinus infection, our door is open. Come on in. Bring your cough drops. And Kleenax. And Tylenol. And eye drops. was spent at home. We made more goodies. Don't worry friends, these goodies will not be shared with anyone but Santa and his reindeer. Sorry dude. We have to share with someone. I'm pretty sure Santa has some sort of magical shield that allows him to bounce colds and flu right off his belly.

Our plan was to make gingerbread cookies for Santa. Little did I know that spreading flour would turn out to be the best part of the day. I just let the boys go. Throwing flour was off limits but they managed to be covered in it within five minutes anyway. Here's a simple progression in pictures. And before you go all, "You are the best mom in the world because you let your kids do so many fun things as home and you don't even yell at them for making a mess" on me...let me assure you, if I would have had a voice to yell at them with, I would have yelled. At this point, I just gave up because they were occupied without me and they were getting along with each other. Choose your battles moms. Choose your battles.

I made the kids change out of their floured clothes. It got a little crazy. I'm not sure why boys find it so fascinating to run around the house with no clothes on, or clothes on backwards, or clothes on silly. But it seems like the best thing since sliced bread when I tell them to go upstairs to change clothes.

But the above finally turned into the below. We had a great time decorating the cookies. Something about kids, candy and frosting. You just can't go wrong there.

After the gingerbread cookies, we moved on to graham cracker houses. Or maybe it was the other way around. I can't remember. My head was in a fog and I have basically lost my voice.

We also made crafts. Before the night is over we will be making reindeer food. That's just how we roll around here. I am soaking up every spare minute that I can with my boys. They are smiling and happy. We played legos and board games today in between the baking. Who says you can't spend a day inside with two boys. Oh, I guess that was between a trip to the doctor and a trip to Walgreens.

My blog would not be complete without an update on Little Miss Kitty. Looks like she's doing pretty good, huh? Yes, she is back to being her hissy prissy self. This is Scooby the Wonder dog's kennel. Scooby was not allowed back in her kennel on this night. Snicks took over. Hissing and all. Glad she's feeling better.

Wonder what tomorrow has in store for us?

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