Here's what we currently look like:
Cam now has a 102 fever that had been nonexistent since he was diagnosed with strep last Thursday. Cam's strep is better but now he has a horrible cough and headache. He's complaining every once in awhile about his ears hurting and he's barely moved all day. The Dr. won't prescribe a different antibiotic without us coming in for an appointment.
Colin's fever is holding steady at 100. He's had a 102+ since Sunday. Colin's strep is also better but he's on a different antibiotic now for a sinus infection. He was also diagnosed with influenza yesterday. His latest symptom is that his legs hurt. I can't decide if his legs hurt from the flu, from not using his legs the last 5 days or if it could be something else.
Thanks to all of the friends that have brought over food, books, dvd's and have listened to me bang my head against the wall.
Just to give you an idea of how much fun we've had, here's a list of the movies we have watched.
Toy Story 1, 2, 3
Shrek 1,2,3
Tom and Jerry
Cats and Dogs
Care Bears
101 Dalmatians
Scooby Doo - several variations
G Force
Peter Pan
Happy Feet
The Tale of Desperaux
Monster's vs Aliens
Ice Age
Peter Pan
This is over a 5 day period. We've built a lot of Legos while watching movies too. But the fact that my kids have sat through all of these movies means that they are down and out for sure.
Poor guys! And poor YOU! Colin's achy legs are probably from the flu. All of my muscles hurt when I had it a few weeks ago, and Advil didn't help much. Let me know if you need anything at all. I'd be happy to pick up groceries or bring over dinner!