Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Strangest Thing (Instead of Ten on Tuesday)

The strangest thing has happened to Cam. From all of his recent illnesses he now has a condition that causes fluid to build up in his hips. As the fluid builds, it sends pain through his legs and he can not walk. He can not put any pressure on the bottom of his feet. If he does, he crumples in pain. He can walk on his tip toes as it alleviates the pressure from his feet. Strange but true. This Toxic Synovitis does not have a treatment other than time and pain relievers (like Motrin or Tylenol). It can last 7-10 days.

He literally can't walk. That means I have to carry him (or maybe drag out the stroller) if we go anywhere. We have to carry him up and down the stairs. He won't be going to school the rest of the week unless his symptoms get better. If he gets up and forgets to stand on his tiptoes, he falls down and crawls on the floor dragging his feet behind him. It's the saddest sight I have ever seen.

The good news is that his fever is gone. More good news is that Colin is recovered. The other good news is that it's too cold for Cam to go outside and do any sort of activity anyway. I see more movies, play doh, crafts and legos in our future.

But alas, this blog is getting too heavy. It was created to be a light hearted synopsis of crazy life with three boys (yes, one of those is my husband). So, here are some cute picture to liven the mood.

First we have Mr. Squirrel. We had nicknamed him Squirrelyhead for many years. Yesterday he earned the name of Mr. Chubsters. He is a fiend for food. Colin and Steve bought me a shepard's hook so that I could hang some bird food that the squirrels could not devour. We have moved the hook to three different places and each time the squirrels figured out how to launch themselves off the fence to reach the food. It's funny to watch them try and balance on the hook, loose their balance and slide down the pole like a fireman. I never thought I would be mooned by a squirrel. Guess that day has come.

Next we have the USS Kitty Hawk. Snicks took up residence in the box for Colin's model. I thought the name was very appropriate.

So there you have it folks. The only two bright spots in the week have been supplied by silly animals.


  1. Wow. Just when you think you have seen it all as a parent. Then you get mysterious fluid build up! Goodness gracious! I wish I was closer. We would come over to play and be a distraction.

    Thankfully you have animal antics to help you out.

    Hang tough. Being a mom is only for superheros. And you are doing a fine job!

  2. Talk about getting kicked when down. So sorry for everyone. It sounds just awful. Spring has to come soon....
